Special Seminar Leaders:
Ian Balfour (York) and Rebecca Comay (Toronto)
Julie Carlson (UC Santa Barbara) and Felice Blake (UC Santa Barbara)
Alan Liu (UC Santa Barbara) and Jacques Khalip (Brown)
Forest Pyle (Oregon) and Claire Colebrook (Penn State)
Joan Steigerwald (York) and Gabriel Trop (UNC)
Orrin N.C. Wang (Maryland) and Luka Arsenjuk (Maryland)
Book Publishing/Lit Z Seminar, with Thomas Lay (Acquisitions Editor,
Fordham University Press) and Brian McGrath (Clemson).
This year, seminars will not require registration. Attendance is open, and reading materials are freely available to all
participants on the "Seminar Materials" pulldown from the "Seminars" tab. The only requirement is that
attendance is open to all those who have officially registered for the NASSR conference.
Scroll down for details: